Diagnostics is the cornerstone in the patient care management, so rightly called as the backbone of a hospital. A prompt ANS quality laboratory report will help the clinician in the proper patient management.The Balasooriya hospital laboratory ,which runs 24 hours a day throughout the year....ect
Undergoing surgery can be a daunting prospect. However, knowing you are in the safest hands will make your visit a more comfortable and reassuring experience. At Balasooriya Hospitals, we have a comprehensive team of consultants specializing in surgical procedures. Our main aim is to ensure that ...ect
The pharmacy department consist of main pharmacy retail section, pharmacy store, Whole sale section ,OPD section,24 hours pharmacy and Franchise osusala of state pharmaceuticals corporation of Sri Lanka.The pharmacy stores main makes available all the requirement of medicines, ...ect
Our General Medicine Department attends to various types of medical emergencies such as heart attacks, strokes, acute liver and kidney ailments, infections, dengue fever, meningitis, pneumonia amongst others as well as a range of chronic medical problems such as osteoarthritis....ect